Delish Rainbow & Psalms

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Just like a warm, healthy and hearty chowder, the author can not be described in merely simple words... A lady who holds some meaty character in a lean structure. Who takes delight in her Creator and the vast masterpiece that He charmingly brought to existence. Gentle but strong, she is full of surprises! Her eyes glow in awe of His works! Oh, how can someone like her be described? She is like raindrops and sunshine in autumn hours!

Hearty Chowder's: Autumn Love (book preview)

Autumn Love Preview

Autumn L♡ve from Jm dela Rama on Vimeo.

"Autumn leaves falling, changing of hues. The wind is cool yet the sun rays stay warm. Love is everywhere!"

I never thought I could even try to put together the "scenes" I've experienced during my first trip to Europe. I was soo overwhelmed and got soo in love with the whole journey! It was all in all comforting, inspiring, delightful and fulfilling! I'm not a writer but I was able to recently write and finish my first coffee-table book. I'm not into making videos but surprisingly I was able to create this one.

I think there's Someone working with me all this time. :) I'm inspired! Enjoy... ♡


24 November 2009

"THE PERFECT ADOBO FOR YOU" (worth the taste) - composed last 27 December 2008

Imagine a beautiful and one of a kind restaurant that specializes in cooking your favorite “adobo” according to your taste! The Executive Chef himself would be the one to ask you questions to determine and evaluate the perfect “adobo” that fits your exquisite liking.

After some discussion and keen observation, He utters, “Since you’re the kind of person who doesn't like too much fat, too salty nor too peppery adobo…I know the perfect “adobo” JUST FOR YOU!” Then with pure excitement, you just grinned, rubbed your hands together, your eyes brightened and waited with great anticipation.

Everything is set to perfection as He promises you the ultimate indulgence you’ll ever experience, but He also warmly tells you that the perfect dish might take some time to prepare and cook. He kindly asks, “Are you willing to wait for it?” Nodding your head with pure excitement, He said, “Great! While waiting, you are free to enjoy the wonderful scenery.” Then He introduces you to some friendly faces to accompany you around. With a big smile on His face, He reassures you,”It will be worth the wait my dear!”

Five minutes passed by, ten, fifteen, a couple of minutes more and you began feeling tired of walking around. Your feet started to hurt and worst ~ you are getting bored. The people around you encouraged you to wait some more. “And besides it is really worth the wait!” a woman expresses. “Okay, I guess a few more chats wouldn’t hurt”, you answered. After half an hour you wondered, “Hmmm, I think I noticed a restaurant nearby”. Then you began to consider the other restaurant and thought that they don’t serve the best adobo but it could definitely fill up your empty tummy. But you still decided to stay. Some more minutes passed by and you were getting more and more impatient. Your forehead starts to wrinkle, you were about to grumble and leave. You are starting to hear your stomach say, "tomguts, tomguts, tomguts"! But there’s just something about the Chef’s voice. You were reminded of His warm statement, “the perfect adobo just for you”, “the perfect adobo just for you”, “the perfect adobo just for you”. The words kept on echoing in your head. Then a deep silence filled up the room. After a while, you began to hear music with your heartbeat.

As you went back to your seat, a waiter courteously placed the table napkin on your lap. Then you just started to stare on your table, it was all along just perfect ~ how each utensils were placed, the sparkling water goblet and wine glass, even the lovely center piece caught your eye. Suddenly, a flavorful aroma directed your eyes somewhere…It was the Chef holding a shiny silver platter. He approached you with a big smile on His lips and asked, “Would you mind if I personally serve your perfect adobo?” You began to feel overwhelmed that you weren’t able to utter a word. A tear just fell from your cheek. He said, “I am so glad that you were patient enough to wait for this perfect dish. I made sure that everything fits precisely just for your taste. It took a long time to prepare but I enjoyed gathering all the freshest ingredients to make this special adobo for you. I had some customers who weren’t able to wait for their perfect adobo. They ran to the other restaurant just to find out that it was really a carinderia that specializes in dishes with kambing. They came back to my resto and shared their bad experience. Of course, I welcomed them a second time but they have to wait again. I am happy you patiently waited.”

Then he asks again, “Would you mind if I dine with you?” You joyfully replied, “I would love to share this perfect adobo with You. Thank You!”

You were so glad you waited and even the people around you rejoiced as you take delight on your PERFECT "Adobo" . And the Executive Chef? He was so pleased that He cherished dining with you.

Imagined & Written by: RainbowPsalmist
Inspiration: God’s Promises and the different “Women” in Waiting

It could be that you’ve been patiently waiting for the perfect job, the perfect mate, the perfect place to travel, the perfect investment, the perfect school, the perfect house, the perfect course to take…and the list of your perfect "adobo" continues.
One thing is for sure…God’s promises never fail! When you patiently wait for the perfect time, God will just suddenly surprise you! But you need to be prepared for you to be able to share it and to thank the One and Only true God who fulfills His every promise.
It may be hard to wait at times, but God assures us that it is always worth the wait!

(Taken from Joyce Meyer’s commentary) LIFE POINT:
(Acts 1:4) Jesus’ instruction to wait was not only for His disciples then. It is a truth that applies to us today. I encourage you to “actively” wait for the promises of God by listening for what He is telling you to do instead of running ahead of God and doing something in the flesh. Wait for the Word of God and for His promises.

* What we seek after in life reveals so much about our character.
* Our attitudes and actions during the wait determine whether we enjoy the trip and also help determine the length of the wait.
* Preparation is a process that requires time – and any length of time requires a wait.

ENJOY THE WAIT (for your perfect dish)!

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