Delish Rainbow & Psalms

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Just like a warm, healthy and hearty chowder, the author can not be described in merely simple words... A lady who holds some meaty character in a lean structure. Who takes delight in her Creator and the vast masterpiece that He charmingly brought to existence. Gentle but strong, she is full of surprises! Her eyes glow in awe of His works! Oh, how can someone like her be described? She is like raindrops and sunshine in autumn hours!

Hearty Chowder's: Autumn Love (book preview)

Autumn Love Preview

Autumn L♡ve from Jm dela Rama on Vimeo.

"Autumn leaves falling, changing of hues. The wind is cool yet the sun rays stay warm. Love is everywhere!"

I never thought I could even try to put together the "scenes" I've experienced during my first trip to Europe. I was soo overwhelmed and got soo in love with the whole journey! It was all in all comforting, inspiring, delightful and fulfilling! I'm not a writer but I was able to recently write and finish my first coffee-table book. I'm not into making videos but surprisingly I was able to create this one.

I think there's Someone working with me all this time. :) I'm inspired! Enjoy... ♡


30 September 2010

To march & follow...

Early quiet morning, opened my laptop and "Ilumina", clicked Exodus... The introduction of this book spoke something special in my heart... March, obey & follow... =) 

GET UP . . . leave . . . take off–these words are good ones for those trapped or enslaved. Some resist their marching orders, however, preferring present surroundings to a new, unknown environment. It’s not easy to trade the comfortable security of the known for an uncertain future. But what if God gives the order to move? Will we follow his lead? Exodus describes a series of God’s calls and the responses of his people.
Four hundred years had passed since Joseph moved his family to Egypt. These descendants of Abraham had now grown to over two million strong. To Egypt’s new pharaoh, these Hebrews were foreigners, and their numbers were frightening. Pharaoh decided to make them slaves so they wouldn’t upset his balance of power. As it turned out, that was his biggest mistake, for God then came to the rescue of his people.
Through a series of strange events, a Hebrew boy named Moses became a prince in Pharaoh’s palace and then an outcast in a wilderness land. God visited Moses in the mysterious flames of a burning bush, and after some discussion, Moses agreed to return to Egypt to lead God’s people out of slavery. Pharaoh was confronted, and through a cycle of plagues and promises made and broken, Israel was torn from his grasp.
It was no easy task to mobilize this mass of humanity, but they marched out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and into the wilderness behind Moses and the pillars of cloud and fire. Despite continual evidence of God’s love and power, the people complained and began to yearn for their days in Egypt. God provided for their physical and spiritual needs with food and a place to worship, but he also judged their disobedience and unbelief. Then in the dramatic Sinai meeting with Moses, God gave his laws for right living.
God led Moses and the nation of Israel, and he wants to lead us as well. Is he preparing you, like Moses, for a specific task? He will be with you; obey and follow. Is he delivering you from an enemy or a temptation? Trust him, and do what he says. Have you heard his clear moral directions? Read, study, and obey his Word. Is he calling you to true worship? Discover God’s presence in your life, in your home, and in the body of assembled believers. Exodus is the exciting story of God’s guidance. Read with the determination to follow God wherever he leads. ♡

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